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hi! my name's runa! i'm an 18 yo. student on a game design course at university

i'm aceflux and omniromantic. i primarily use they/them pronouns, but i'm alright with anything else :)

i very rarely draw, usually ocs or fanart based off whatever i'm interested in

I'M SORRY IN ADVANCE if it ever seems like i'm ignoring you or seem disinterested- I PROMISE it has nothing to do with you. i just have social anxiety

☆ DNI ☆

please don't interact with me if you:

  • are 14 or younger

  • pr#ship / support pr#shippers

  • support any kind of problematic / hateful content

i don't have many boundaries, all i ask is that you please be decent :)

☆ Interests ☆

  • pokémon

  • poképastas

  • hypno's lullaby (fnf mod)

  • splatoon (+ coroika)

  • super mario

  • sonic the hedgehog

  • animal crossing

☆ Socials ☆



  • discord : @RUN4TCHI

  • switch : SW-4382-5054-1438

  • 3DS : 0362-2839-3891